Monday, November 8, 2021

Our Grade 12 ADP 'Ag in the Field' Career Day will be this Wednesday, November 10 in the KRHS library. Please sign up for your lunch today with Mrs. Reeves. Also, please remember to wear warm clothes for the field tour in the afternoon.

Sign up sheet is posted in the gym for the boys and girls basketball teams.

Volleyball today and Wednesday in the gym at lunch for all 4 teams again. Students are reminded to bring a pair of indoor sneakers.

Power lifting tomorrow after school until 4:00PM.

Could all members of the Kinkora Blazers Women's Volleyball team please return their uniforms to Mr. Killorn by Wednesday of this week.

Blazer Buds baking club today from 11:20-12:10.

We will be having our annual Blazer Blitz today during Block D. Students are to report to their regular block D class and will be called down to the gym after attendance. Go Blazers!

Happy belated birthday to Makenzie Cutcliffe (Nov 6) and Colby Buch (Nov 7).